The perils of being awake

The headline for today is that Dad continues to make excellent progress in the ICU but is having zero fun being there. “I wouldn’t wish this on my most vile enemy,” he told me this morning.

A big part of the challenge is trying to manage pain. Pop was not able to get a full epidural and, until this afternoon, was not able to swallow any medications. So: a stunning amount of pain. Prior to the surgery, in meeting with doctors and talking to other transplant patients, Pop heard multiple times that the first 3 days after waking up would be the most challenging physically and mentally. That’s proving to be true. As he shared with Molly today, “I’m in the dragon’s mouth right now.”

Dragon Slayer Final.jpg

But despite staring down the pain dragon, Pop was able to walk 100 ft this morning and another 100 ft this evening! He also passed his swallow test today and got 2 chest tubes removed. Physically, he doing everything he needs to do to move forward. He can now have liquids and very soft foods and, most critically, oral pain meds. I never thought Dad would say eating thickened applesauce was the best thing he ever tasted, but we are all living in strange times.

Please keep your words of support coming—Pop is able to read comments now and is on way, way too many steroids to be able to sleep. We love you and are rooting for you Dad!


Feats of Strength


Off breathing tube with hilarious stories to tell