Feats of Strength


The big update from today is that Pop was able to walk 400 feet. And he has the receipts to prove it!

It is key to his recovery to be able to walk further each day—this gets the new lungs working and claiming the full space they need in his chest cavity. He has to walk at least 3x per day now and is hitting all his distance goals so far. The pain has also mercifully come down since yesterday, which is allowing the doctors to reduce some of the hallucinogenic drugs and help him actually get some sleep.

The next goals are to keep walking farther and wean off additional oxygen. He is on track to transfer to the Stepdown Unit by the end of the week, but the most important thing is that he is getting stronger and breathing more deeply each day. May it be so for all of us!


One Week In


The perils of being awake