New lungs are finding their way
More positive updates from the ICU today. The new lungs are starting to function on their own! They are not all the way there yet, but the Duke team has started the process of “stepping down” use of the ECMO machine and the new lungs are responding by picking up the slack. This is great news, because it means the lungs are starting to join forces with the rest of Dad’s body to deliver oxygen to his bloodstream. It’s a wild thing to be able to put someone else’s lungs into your body and have them do the same job your lungs have done since birth, but that’s what’s happening now for Dad.
The Duke team has also brought him half-way out of anesthesia a couple of times now to do neurological tests. This morning he was able to squeeze his hands and answer yes/no questions by shaking his head, so this is further confirmation that healing is going well.
The highlight of the day though was getting to see Pop over Zoom! Because no visitors can come into the ICU due to COVID, the nursing staff has set up an iPad Zoom schedule for all the families so they can still virtually visit their loved ones. Susie, Molly and I just got off the video call about 45 minutes ago and it was such a joy and relief to see Dad. He still looks like himself! Himself after a very long airline flight that was just the worst, and hooked up to many machines, but still unmistakably Peter Roy.
The support staff at Duke Medical has also been particularly amazing over these past couple of days. They communicate clearly, regularly, and are always so open and warm when they do so. I hope no one reading this is ever in a position to get a double lung transplant, but we couldn’t recommend their team more highly! Feeling very grateful in this moment—and I hope for countless moments in the future—that Pop was accepted to their transplant program.
Next steps:
Wean completely off ECMO (on track for this weekend - keep the positive vibes coming!)
Wean completely off anesthesia, with the help of plenty of pain meds
Get breathing tube out
Start physical therapy, including swallowing therapy
Complete dazzling feats of strength that allow him to leave the ICU and transfer to the Stepdown Unit
More updates to come by the end of the weekend!